How To: Staycations
One of the many overlooked luxuries in life is missing out on making the best of what you have. We’re all in different spots in our lives, but we all have the ability to be creative with our free time. When the goal is relaxation, do what makes you happy. Whether that looks like five days of catching up on sleep or uninterrupted time with family, do it.
You don’t have to leave the house to create new traditions to share with your family or friends. You also don’t need to invest a ton of money into it either. The pandemic has made it hard to imagine our homes as a vacation spot, but not impossible. When getting out of town is not an option, still make the most of your time to relax. It may seem wasteful to spend time off from work locally, but if you need a break – take it.
As we dive into the hot summer months, there is a lot more activities that can be enjoyed outdoors. We all spend a majority of our times indoors sucked in by our technology, so take advantage of being able to step out of our cyber lives. Chill around the house with a good book if that’s your style, or you can consider planning out activities you’re interested in.
Here’s a couple of ideas to help you brainstorm your staycation:
If a break without the kids is needed, plan a weekend away for them.
The summer allows for tons of local summer camps, but some time with the grandparents never hurt either.
Plan outdoor activities
Time at the pool, a hike, picnic in the park, etc. The options are endless when the weather is nice. If there is room in the budget a baseball game, amusement park or zoo trip are great ways to spend a day with family or friends.
Themed cooking nights
When traveling isn’t in the books, you can always bring the vacation vibes in with delicious food. Let everyone pick a location and plan a meal everyone can share for dinner.
Spa day
Blast a spa playlist and pamper yourself. Skip the major price tag and do your favorite skin care at home.
Turn your backyard into a getaway
Creativity is up to you and what you prefer. Plan to do some camping or create an outdoor obstacle course for the family. Just make sure to spend time looking at the stars in the night sky. -S’mores are a must!
Google events happening in your city
Chances are there a tons of events that are happening in your city that you haven’t heard about. This is a great way to discover new, exciting things going on around our homes.
Those are just a few ideas to kickstart a staycation plan. Keep in mind that you don’t have to spend a ton of money to have fun and relax. Enjoy the comfort that comes from staying in your own bed after a long day out. Give your mind a break from the craziness of your life and prioritize yourself. Don’t attempt to take on a project or chores if you intend to relax, as those activities can bring on unnecessary stress in the process.
Think outside of the box, if you intend to spend your staycation with friends or family let everybody offer ideas for activities. Chances are there will be a nice mix of stuff to do. If you aren’t a planner be spontaneous. At times the greatest memories come from impulsive decisions. This is your staycation! Stray from your normal habits and try something new!
Staycations can be refreshing. We get to spend time in our homes and cities that we normally don’t get the opportunity to experience and enjoy in our busy day-to-day lives. However you approach your vacation at home – remember, it’s all about what you make of it. Have fun, and discover something new!